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Terms of Services For Original Packaging UK

Terms & Conditions


Original packaging is responsible for keeping an eye on the utilisation of our website which is placed at originalpackaging.com by all the users.

Privacy Policy of original packaging monitors all the services provided by our website. It also includes the management and protection of our information which can be disturbed from the use of our website by the users.

If the services or products provided on our website are utilized by the users, then he/she acknowledges that they agree with all the terms and conditions of our website and they agree to be a part of them.

In case, services representing our terms and conditions conflict with the users demands, then he/she must stop visiting our website or stop using our services.

These terms of services and conditions set up by original packaging are applicable for every user and visitor of our website.

The user can also contact us through our email i.e. originalpackaging.com if unable to find out anything related to his demand or if there’s something missing on our terms of services.


For communication with our users or customers, we ask them to subscribe to our link or email us at originalpackaging.com. Newsletters, sales, discounts,promotions or new arrivals, advertisements of our products or any other information regarding our website or products should be provided to our customers as soon as we launch them.


By utilising our services, it becomes compulsory for all the users to provide their personal information to us, which includes credit or debit card number and shipping address, expiry of their cards and information regarding billing.

Users must keep this in their knowledge that information they provide us regarding their purchase would be shared with the outsiders so that the products ordered by our customers should be shipped out at a correct location.

If we find out that any information provided by our users is not authentic or accurate or it has any risks of fraud and violations, then we have a right to cancel their purchase at any time.

While ordering the product from our services, it must be a sole duty of our customer to provide each and every detail of the product design i.e. how they want it to decorate. If any mistakes or errors are found in the order from our customer side, then we again reserve the right to cancel their order without informing them.

Contests, Discounts And Promotions

Unique rules and regulations are set up for contests, promotions, sales or discounts other than the terms of services of this website. If the user visiting our website takes part in any of these promotions or sales, then both the new and original terms of the services are applied. In case the terms and conditions disagree with terms of promotions, then only these promotion rules are applicable on the user.


We request all of our users to kindly go through our refund policy. Original packaging usually takes 20 days for granting refunds for the original purchase or order that the users made.


No outsider is allowed to copy the information or services provided in original packaging without sending permission applications to us. Any reposts, modification, spreading, reclaim, copy paste or downloading of our personal information either entirely or partially for self benefits, must not be done without informing us.

Prohibited use

Utilisation of services provided on our website should be done for legitimate purposes and they should be according to our provided terms and conditions. User must not use these services if

  1. Violate any national or international restrictions lines
  2. If the content of our services is assumed to be harmful or illegal
  3. If you consider that our services are advertising something that is a scam or something for personal benefit.
  4. Indicates that Our services can impersonate the entity of our users
  5. It will be used for exploitation, harming, or attempting to exploit or harm a minor or children in any way, including causing exposure to harmful content.
  6. If it infringes the rights of others and uses the content of other service providers illegally.

The customers should also not agree to:

  • It restricts the usage of Service that may disrupt the proper working of Service or its overburdening on our Service interferences from other users’ who indulge in real time activities through Service.
  • Access Service through any robot, spider, or other automatic device, process, or means for any purpose, including monitoring or copying any of the material on Service.
  • Utilise operations to monitor or copy any of the content on our Service or for any other unauthorized benefits without our prior written consent.
  • Utilisation of any software or services that do not interfere with proper functioning.
  • Malicious or harmful material introduces viruses, trojan horses, worms, logic bombs, or other such harmful material to our systems.
  • Attempts made by unauthorized access that interfere with, damage, or disrupt our Services, the server on which our services are located, or any server, computer, or database associated with our Services
  • Attack by Denial of service or distributed denial-of-service on our services
  • Perform any action that damages or misrepresents original packaging reviews.
  • Includes the attempts that are made to interrupt pur proper functioning.


We allow that our services used by our users or customers are fully monitored and analyze by the outsiders.

Not Used By Minors

Accessibility and utilisation of our services is prohibited for those individuals who are below 18 years of age. Permission is not granted to 18 or 18+ years old individuals to use our services. For this we’ve launched a warranty form which represents and confirms that every user visiting our website must be 18 years old and has a full right, permission and capability to agree with our terms of services and conditions.

Intellectual Property

The users must know that all the content, functions and features of our services are the original and personal property of original packaging service providers. No permission is granted to use our trademark with the products of other service providers. We ensure that our content is secured by proper copyright and trademarks provided by foreign countries.